Thanks to our amazing partners at the Carleton University Faculty of Engineering & Design, we have an office space on-campus!
Our office is located in Mackenzie Engineering (ME) Room 3350, down the hallway from Leo’s Lounge and just around the corner from the Carleton Student Engineering Society (CSES) main office.
We share the space with three other awesome clubs and societies: the Carleton University EngiQueers (CUE), the Carleton University Biomedical Engineering Society (CUBES), and the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering Society (SREE Society).
Scheduled Office Hours
Based on guidance from the Carleton University Administration and Ottawa Public Health, we will be implementing Social Distancing and cancelling all in-person Office Hours until further notice. As such, the CU FIRST Office in ME 3350 is Closed.
Please contact an Executive directly via Email
Book an Appointment
To meet with an Executive or Director outside of the above scheduled Office Hours, please contact the individual directly to arrange an appointment or, if you aren’t sure who to talk to, contact us!