Meet your 2020/21 Executive

Past Executives (2015 – Present)

What are Executives?
The Executive is the Administrative body of the Organization, responsible for day-to-day operations, managing our resources and finances, establishing policy, and setting the overall goals and direction for our club. Each individual Member of the Executive has a distinct role and set of responsibilities, ensuring all club services, projects, events, and initiatives are organized and executed properly.
CU FIRST currently has 5 Executive Positions:
- President
- Vice President – Internal
- Vice President – External
- Vice President – Finance
- Executive-at-Large
The Executive meets regularly (at least once per month) to recap past events, plan upcoming events, discuss current and potential new initiatives, make decisions, and vote on Motions and/or Constitutional Amendments. All Members of the Executives receive equal voting power at Meetings of the Executive. Learn more about Meetings and view previous Minutes.
Members of the Executive are elected to their positions by the general club membership, serving their terms in office from May 1st to April 30th of the following year. Scheduled elections are held annually in mid to late-March, with by-elections being held if an Executive position is created or vacated mid-season. Learn more about CU FIRST Elections.