UPDATE: 2020 Carleton University District Event Cancelled

(Updated May 13th, 2020)

In light of the still-developing situation surrounding COVID-19, Carleton University’s Ontario District Event, originally scheduled to run from March 13th-15th, 2020, has been cancelled along with all other previously suspended events worldwide.

FIRST Robotics Canada and Carleton University sincerely apologize for all inconveniences to teams and volunteers resulting from the cancellation of the competition.

An official statement from FIRST on COVID-19 and how it will affect the community, the 2020 season, and beyond can be viewed here.

Carleton University continues to follow the advice of Ottawa Public Health, the Ontario Ministry of HealthPublic Health Ontario and the Public Health Agency of Canada for the latest information about COVID-19 and recommendations for prevention. For more information, please visit Carleton’s COVID-19 website.

Carleton is bringing FIRST Robotics to Canada’s Capital in 2020!

Past Presidents Anthony Caliciuri, Alex Wilcox, and Gabby Genereux pose excitedly in celebration of the new Carleton University District Event

CU FIRST is overjoyed that the Carleton University Faculty of Engineering & Design will be playing host to a FIRST Robotics Competition Ontario District Event starting in the 2020 season!

FIRST Robotics participants, parents, mentors and alumni across Eastern Ontario have been eagerly awaiting the introduction of a local event to the Ontario District, and CU FIRST is thrilled that the action, intensity, and excitement of competition will be coming to our campus! Not only will existing Alumni & Volunteers finally be able to contribute to an event locally, this represents an amazing opportunity to introduce new people to the world of FIRST. We’ve always said that the best way to understand FIRST and their mission is to experience spectacle of competition first-hand.

CU FIRST was created in-part to advocate for a FIRST Robotics Competition event in the National Capital Region. With that goal now accomplished, the focus will now shift to aiding the Planning Committee, in addition to continuing support for local FIRST teams, connecting members with Mentoring and Volunteer opportunities, and organizing community events, like the 2020 Ottawa FRC Season Kickoff.

Teams from across the province will invade the Raven’s Nest with their robots for the first time from March 13th to 15th, 2020. In the meantime, be sure to follow CU FIRST and the Faculty of Engineering & Design on Social Media, learn more by visiting the Event Website, or Register to Volunteer by following the links below. #CUin2020!

VIDEO: Why is Anthony so excited for the brand-new Carleton University Ontario District Event?