One of CU FIRST’s goals is to get as many people as possible involved in the FIRST Community here in Ottawa. As post-secondary students, we know that everyone may not have the time nor the means to mentor an area team, volunteer at events, or serve as an Executive. With that in-mind, we’re excited to offer several opportunities with flexible schedules and smaller scopes, allowing you to continue your involvement with FIRST in a way that works for you!


As CU FIRST continues to grow, and our role as leaders in the Ottawa FIRST Community continues to evolve, the Executive would like more of our members to become involved! That’s why we’ve decided to create Directorships, volunteer positions within our club where members can assist us in the planning and management of events and projects, while limiting the scope to allow students with tighter schedules the opportunity to contribute without a significant year-long time commitment.

Directors will be expected to keep in regular contact with the Executive using Slack and be available for meetings either in-person or remotely via Google Hangouts. Directors will be invited to attend all Meeting of the Executive throughout their term, and will be encouraged to provide their input on all topics of discussion, but will not receive the same voting privileges as Executives.

Current Directorship Positions

How to Apply?

Applications for Director of Marketing & Social Media and Director of FIRST LEGO League & FIRST LEGO League Jr. are now OPEN! Submit using the Google Form:

When is the Deadline?

The deadline for applications will be listed at the bottom of each Directorship job description, along with a link to the application.

The Deadline to apply for either Director of Marketing & Social Media or Director of FIRST LEGO League & FIRST LEGO League Jr. is Friday June 5th, 2020.

What’s the Hiring Process?

An official announcement will be made via Social Media and the CU FIRST Newsletter when the hiring period begins, allowing any eligible individuals to submit an application for the Directorship(s) being offered. Applications will remain open for at least three (3) weeks to ensure everyone has adequate time to learn about the position(s) and apply.

The Executive will then review applications internally and invite the top candidates for individual interviews, either in-person or remotely via teleconference. Once interviews are complete, the Executive will deliberate and vote. Successful candidates will be informed as soon as the final decision is made.

Electoral Officers

In advance of our yearly Executive Elections each Spring and any mid-season By-Elections, a Chief Electoral Officer and at least one Deputy Electoral Officer will be appointed to oversee all aspects of the election, ensuring it runs according to the Electoral Code.

To act in either of these positions, individuals must be at least 18 years or older, and are disqualified from being a Candidate for any Executive position in that election. Job descriptions and responsibilities for these positions are listed below.

Chief Electoral Officer (CEO)

To ensure all CU FIRST elections are conducted fairly and in a non-partisan fashion, a Chief Electoral Officer is appointed by the Executive in advance of each election. Their job is to oversee all aspects of the election process, from dropping the Writ of Election, to receiving and accepting nominations, to approving candidates, to counting and certifying the results. They are joined by at least one (1) Deputy, who assists them in their duties, and to whom the CEO may delegate tasks and responsibilities.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Act as a neutral and non-partisan party to oversee all aspects of the CU FIRST Election process
  • Monitor campaign activities of candidates to ensure they follow the Code of Conduct
  • Enforce the Electoral Code
  • Review potential Electoral Code violations
  • Submit Electoral Code violations to the Executive for review and ruling
  • Run the voting process during the Spring General Meeting
  • Count votes and certify the final results
  • Post advertisements on CU FIRST Social Media accounts to publicize the opening and closing of the Nomination Period, the Nomination of new Candidates, and the time/date of the Election
  • Oversee and assign tasks to Deputy Electoral Officer(s)

Deputy Electoral Officer (DEO)

On the recommendation of the Chief Electoral Officer, the Executive will appoint at least one (1) Deputy Electoral Officer to assist the CEO in all aspects of their job. Deputy Electoral Officers co-sign on all Election documents, participate in the vote counting and certification process, and act as a secondary neutral party to ensure the entire Electoral process is conducted fairly.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Support the Chief Electoral Officer in all of their responsibilities throughout the Election period
  • Complete tasks as assigned by the CEO